Our Core Purposes
The RSO core purposes are to support Bali Process Members and Working Groups by:
1. Ensuring we are responsive to Bali Process Members and Working Groups.
2. Developing and delivering fit-for-purpose operational capacity-building activities relevant to the Bali Process’ mandate.
3. Providing support in policy development and promoting best practice to improve aspects of migration management, and responses to people smuggling, trafficking in persons and related transnational crime.
4. Actively engaging and promoting the RSO’s work to partners and dialogues outside the Bali Process structure.
Capability Development
Supporting the Bali Process membership
The RSO engages proactively with Bali Process members and Working Groups to support strong relationships and networks in the region, and to ensure our work reflects and is responsive to needs and priorities set by the Bali Process membership.
RSO Documents
Find out more about the RSO through this library of key documents, which includes the RSO Strategy and Annual Reports, previous issues of our Quarterly Newsletter RSO Highlights, and a library of Outcome Statements from RSO events.
Meet the Team
Find out more about the team members who make up the RSO. Day to day operations are overseen by two RSO Co-Managers from the Australian and Indonesian Governments, with the wider team drawn from across the Bali Process membership and further afield.
Secondments to the RSO
The RSO Secondment Programme supports the hosting of officials from Bali Process Member States in a four to six month placement in the RSO offices in Bangkok, Thailand to work on a discrete project. Secondments support strengthening of technical capacity across Member States, and allow Member States to share good practices and high-level capacities through and with the RSO.
Governance and Capability
A focus on governance and capability ensures the RSO has appropriate structures and processes in place to enable good decision making, manage risk and enable the RSO meet its objectives. The RSO operates with strategic guidance from the Bali Process Senior Official Co-Chairs, and Senior Officials in the Governments of Australia and Indonesia. Day to day operations are overseen by two RSO Co-Managers from the Australian and Indonesian Governments.