You are reading: Bali Process highlights victim-centred approach for law enforcement at PAN-Asia Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Summit Bali Process highlights victim-centred approach for law enforcement at PAN-Asia Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Summit
06 March 2023 | Event
Bali Process highlights victim-centred approach for law enforcement at PAN-Asia Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Summit

The Bali Process and the RSO participated in the Pan-Asia Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Summit, hosted by the UK Home Office – International Operations and the British Embassy Bangkok over 1-2 March in Bangkok, highlighting work to support law enforcement officers to better serve victims of trafficking and improve outcomes for both victims and law enforcement.

The RSO presented a session titled: “Putting Victims First: Enhancing Law Enforcement’s Response to Human Trafficking” which highlighted RSO technical guidance for victims of trafficking and protection, and capacity building activities.

As Elena Bartoloni, RSO Programme Coordinator explained: “Applying a victim-centered approach when interacting with victims of trafficking not only reduces the risk of harm and re-traumatisation, but also promotes the gathering of better evidence and helps investigations to have higher rates of prosecution.”

Eun Jung Yi, RSO Capacity and Training Manager added: “We should recognize and honour the resilience of victims in our work investigating and prosecuting human trafficking. The RSO runs programmes on victim and trauma-centered approaches to help law enforcement build trust with victims and provide appropriate support to them.”

More than 90 participants joined from 13 countries, including Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, UK, and Vietnam. Organisations represented included A21, International Labour Organization (ILO), International Organization for Migration (IOM), International Justice Mission (IJM), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Over the two days, participants heard from internationally experienced operational officers and global experts; sharing real world case studies and operational insights into tackling modern slavery and human trafficking, and practices across participating countries.

Bali Process Senior Official Co-Chair, Ambassador Lucienne Manton, opened the RSO’s session by introducing the Bali Process, and outlining the commitments made by Member States made at the 8th Ministerial Conference over 8-10 February 2023, highlighting the 2023 Adelaide Strategy for Cooperation.

The RSO also hosted a booth as part of the exhibition area, which included an activity to gather thoughts from delegates on their priorities for tackling modern slavery and human trafficking in Asia in 2023 and onwards. Common themes included international cooperation, collaboration, prevention, prosecution, partnership, and information sharing.