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31 January 2023 |
Meet Ryan Winch

Meet Ryan Winch, the RSO’s Programme Manager for Transnational Crime and Technology. Coming from MINUSCA, the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Central African Republic, and after 5 years working with UNODC in Thailand and Myanmar, Ryan brings with him expertise in countering organised crime, assisting law enforcement with capacity building and data analysis. He’s excited to use this expertise to accelerate the RSO’s work, and to harness the opportunity to develop innovative solutions to emerging irregular migration challenges across the Indo-Pacific.

Ryan winch (2)
Tell us a bit about your role

My position as Transnational Crime and Technology Programme Manager at the RSO is focused on addressing some of the new and growing means of facilitating human trafficking and people smuggling, particularly related to the use of social media, dating apps, online communication tools and other emerging technologies. My role will also look at transnational organiszed crime’s relationship with these technologies, the extent of their involvement in Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants, and how law enforcement can respond most effectively. As I settle into this role, I look forward to providing our Members with the most up-to-date research on how technology is changing Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants trends and what they can do to respond to these shifts, while also working with them to implement activities which respond to the challenges technology poses.

What are your priorities for 2023?

Given that my position is newly created and that the RSO this year plans to scale up our work related to transnational crime and technology, my first priority will be connecting with Members to hear about the challenges they’re facing, to gather their assessments of their national contexts, and to discuss with them how the RSO can support them most effectively. I hope this effort can also begin to start more of a community amongst Bali Process Members to discuss these issues, and that through this the RSO can facilitate more rapid responses to emerging challenges, as well as more consistent information sharing between Members.

In addition, this year the RSO will look to act as a bridge and support dialogue between policymakers, law enforcement and tech companies. Speaking with Members so far has made it clear that more effective channels of communication are needed between private tech companies and law enforcement in particular, as it can often be difficult to ensure timely removal of posts targeting new trafficking victims on social media platforms, or alternatively to obtain digital evidence needed to convict smugglers and traffickers. My hope is that this year we begin to improve this situation, with the RSO facilitating increased dialogue, while also moving to support recommendations that Members request. My priority here is to ensure talk is turned into action, and relatively quickly.

What help can you offer to Member States?

I’m really here to be a resource for our Members, so I hope anyone with ideas on how the RSO can support reaches out to start a discussion. Whether its training needs, ideas for research, or for help connecting with one of our partners, I’m going to be available to support. Please do reach out with any ideas or opportunities for collaboration you may have.

Ryan can be reached at