You are reading: Operation Redback XVI ATIPSOM workshop, Malaysia Operation Redback XVI ATIPSOM workshop, Malaysia
18 November 2021 | Event
Operation Redback XVI ATIPSOM workshop, Malaysia

On 15 to 16th of November 2021, Operation Redback XVI ATIPSOM workshop was held in Johor Baru, Malaysia, and attended by more than 50 participants on location and online.

Hosted by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Authority (MMEA) and the Australian Border Force (ABF), the workshop brought together representatives of the Malaysian Coast Guard, the Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency, Royal Malaysia Police, Australian Border Force and Australian Federal Police among others, to explore issues relating to maritime people trafficking and smuggling.

Representing the Bali Process Regional Support Office, Dr Marika McAdam, International Law and Policy Advisor, developed an interactive presentation on day one of the workshop, outlining the international legal framework relevant to criminal justice response to maritime human trafficking and migrant smuggling.

The Bali Process Regional Support Office is grateful to have participated in Operation Redback once more, to support cooperative efforts of the Australian and Malaysian governments to prevent maritime people smuggling, prosecute the transnational criminals involved and protect the people who are impacted by these crime types.